Razer said Tuesday that the company has launched wireless versions of its latest BlackWidow gaming keyboard, DeathAdder mouse, and BlackShark gaming headset, all connected by its HyperSpeed Wireless technology that offers up to 195 microseconds of latency. Specifically, Razer launched the $180 Razer BlackShark V2 Pro, the $130 DeathAdder V2 Pro and the $230 BlackWidow V3 Pro, all of which will be available from Razer and authorized resellers starting Tuesday. Essentially, they’re all wireless versions of the existing BlackShark V2, the DeathAdder V2, and the BlackWidow V3, with some improvements under the hood. The key to the upgrades is Razer’s HyperSpeed wireless technology , which has already been implemented inside Razer’s Baskilisk Ultimate and Viper Ultimate wireless mice lineups, and has now been extended to the other two peripherals, plus the DeathAdder. HyperSpeed uses adaptive frequency hopping to avoid interference, and it also tries to minimize the time-to-click delays ...